Workshop on ERC Opportunities: Starting, Consolidator and Advanced Grants

Fitxa Tècnica

Temari del curs

Workshop on ERC Opportunities: Starting, Consolidator and Advanced Grants
7 h.
9:00 h. ERC objectives and Nature of the panels.

Part I. Scientific Proposal and Synopsis.
High Gain: The Big Research Question versus Project Objectives and substantial progress beyond the State-of-the-Art. High-gain/high-risk balance: 1) novel, new, unconventional concept and/or methodology related to the feasibility of work packages as well as appropriate timelines and risk analysis. In details we will address 2) the envisioned impact on future research 3) planning of the project with intermediate goals and 4) matching the evaluation criterion on research with the project template.

11:30 h. Coffee Break

Part II. Continuation plus Principal Investigator profile
Group work: Assess what would be an excellent profile for ERC applicants considering the research field and the selection criteria using the ERC template for CVs.

14:00 h. Lunch and time for personal Advanced Grant questions

15:00h. Discussion hour for potential Starting and Consolidator Applicants